
The shocking truth!! Acknowledging the exhaustive Facts and effects of undergoing emotional trauma:

It is very difficult to define shock in one sentence. Probably the best definition would be that ‘shock is a condition in which circulation fails to meet the nutritional needs of the cells and at the same time fails to remove the metabolic waste products’. It is a peripheral circulatory failure which results from a discrepancy in the size of the vascular bed and the volume of the intravascular fluid. It is a clinical condition which is characterized by signs and symptoms arising when the cardiac output is insufficient to fill the arterial tree with blood under sufficient pressure to provide all the organs and tissues with adequate blood flow. The low blood flow state in vital organs is the main cause of shock. In simple words, Shock is a serious medical condition that occurs when there is an inadequate supply of blood and oxygen to the body's vital organs. It can be caused by various factors such as severe injury, bleeding, heart attack, infection or an allergic reaction. Homeopathic remedies can be used to help support the body during shock, but it is important to seek immediate medical attention in cases of severe shock.

Healing unseen wounds: signs and symptoms prior to shock:

The state of shock can be sorted out beforehand if we identify the major symptoms before the condition occurs.

Common signs and symptoms of shock include:

Low blood pressure

Altered mental state, including reduced alertness and awareness, confusion, and sleepiness

Cold, moist skin. Hands and feet may be blue or pale

Weak or rapid pulse

Rapid breathing and hyperventilation

Decreased urine output

In septic shock (from overwhelming blood infection): shaking chills, rapid temperature increase, warm, flushed skin, and rapid pulse.

In shock related to heart problems: lung congestion, rapid pulse, heart murmur, and enlarged neck veins.

Types of shock and the major causes of it:

Shock can have several causes. If the cause of shock is known in a given case it may be specified in this manner:

Loss of fluid in the bloodstream (hypovolemic shock). This occurs after heavy bleeding from an injury or a condition, such as bleeding ulcers. Hypovolemic shock can also occur if your body loses too many fluids other than blood (such as losing water after severe diarrhea or vomiting, or losing plasma after serious burns).

Blood vessels become too dilated (distributive shock). If the blood vessels expand too much, they are not able to keep blood circulating to all organs. Septic shock, which occurs when bacteria invade the bloodstream, and anaphylactic shock, which is a severe allergic reaction, are examples.

Heart problems (cardiogenic shock). In this case, the heart does not pump enough blood through the body. It can be caused by a heart attack, abnormal heart rhythm, or damage to the heart from heart disease.

  • Traumatic Shock is that  caused by severe accidental injury.
  • Hemorrhagic shock is associated with great loss of blood.
  • Anaphylactic Shock is an intense allergic reaction.
  • Bacterial Shock follows a sudden spread of a severe infection.

Cardiopulmonary Obstructive shock: This can occur as the result of an "obstruction" of the cardiopulmonary circuit. Examples include massive pulmonary embolism, pericardial tamponade, pneumothorax, and severe constrictive pericarditis.

When used in surgery and first aid, shock means a peculiar, dangerous state in which the blood pressure is so low, the circulation so inadequate and all the protective reflexes of the body so depressed that the patient very survival is in doubt.

The road to recovery paved by homeopathy:

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that works on the principle of "like cures like." It uses highly diluted substances to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms. Homeopathic remedies can be effective in addressing anxiety by addressing the underlying causes and promoting overall wellbeing.  

Homeopathy works well to assist individuals in overcoming a variety of situations that result in emotional distress. Using appropriate remedies can assist the individual from internalizing their emotions which, if not dealt with, often lead to more complex health problems.

Just as severe physical pain can cause an emotional response, our system can also respond in reverse. When we experience strong emotions such as overwhelming fear or grief, a traumatic physical disaster or a personal humiliation, our system can respond rapidly and biochemically to express the intensity of that emotion by feeling faint, trembly, nauseous or weak.

Finding calm after the storm with homeopathic remedies from Similia India:

When it comes to homeopathic remedies for any ailments, Similia homeo laboratory is one of the best resourceful abode. 

Similia homeo laboratory's manufacturing unit and quality control lab is one of the best in India. When one's priority is obtaining remedies with maximum efficacy from a trusted source that's where Similia India's remedies stands out as the best option for homeopathic remedies

Similia homeo laboratory uses best quality herbs imported from reputed sources for making its medicines. Strict and stringent protocols are followed during every step of medicine manufacture to ensure the quality and effectiveness.

Bouncing back from shock with the power of nature! Advantages of homeopathy:

Traumatic events may range from a house move, a new school or a child’s best friend moving away, childbirth or a natural disaster. What is a traumatic experience for one person may be different for another – homeopathic treatment individualizes each unique experience. Increasingly, there are natural disasters, which leave whole communities homeless, grief-ridden, powerless and struggling to cope. The use of some fundamental homeopathic remedies is a great way to help loved ones through such a time.

In the longer term, acute emotional pain can also lead, in some cases, to chronic physical illness. Homeopaths often treat patients suffering years of chronic illness, which began after such an event. Effective and appropriate professional treatment for children or adults in these situations can allow the individual to feel a sense of resolution and peace, assisting them in moving on from repetitive patterns and avoiding the need for treatments such as anti-depressants or anxiety medication. Homeopathic remedies, made from things found in nature, do not contain toxins and have a gentle effect on the person taking them.

Healing mind and body with empowering remedies from Similia India:

There are various homeopathic remedies used for shock and the following after effects. While long-lasting or serious situations require a visit to a professional homeopath, many remedies can be used effectively to assist a person in the midst of the trauma.

Here are commonly used homeopathic remedies from Similia homeo laboratory for shock:

Aconitum napellus (Acon.)

Often indicated for sudden and intense shock, particularly when it follows a fright or a traumatic event. It can help with feelings of fear, restlessness and palpitations. Read more...

Arnica Montana (Arn.)

A well-known remedy for trauma and it can be beneficial in cases of shock due to physical injury. It may help reduce shock symptoms, such as pain, bruising and soreness. Read more...


This is useful in cases of shock with extreme weakness, coldness and pale skin. It can be beneficial when there is a lack of vitality and slow recovery.

Arsenicum album:

Beating, and palpitation of the heart. Pain from liver up through left chest and down left arm, veins of hands swollen, purplish; sudden pain as if heart squeezed or had got a shock (angina pectoris). Heart strained; irritable; stitches in; from left to right Painful pricking in the heart, with fainting fits.

China officinalis (Chin.)

A remedy commonly used for shock resulting from excessive fluid loss, such as severe bleeding or dehydration. It may help with weakness, dizziness and fatigue. Read more...

Ignatia amara (Ign.)

A remedy often recommended for shock accompanied by emotional distress, grief or disappointment. It can help with the emotional and mental effects of shock, such as inconsolable sadness or sudden mood changes. Read more...

Opium (Op.)

Indicated for shock with a sense of extreme drowsiness, lethargy and slow response. It can be beneficial when there is a profound mental and physical dullness. Opium is useful when there are ongoing flashbacks, even years after the initial shock.

Phosphorus (Phos.)

Useful in cases of shock with exhaustion, weakness and trembling. It may help with anxiety, restlessness and a craving for cold drinks.

Veratrum album

A perfect picture of collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness, is offered by this drug. Post-operative shock with cold sweat on forehead, pale face, rapid, feeble pulse. Cold perspiration on the forehead, with nearly all complaints. Vomiting, purging, and cramps in extremities. The profuse, violent retching and vomiting is most characteristic. Surgical shock. Excessive dryness of all mucous surfaces. “Coprophagia” violent mania alternates with silence and refusal to talk.


Palpitation when lying on left side. Pulse intermits, feeble, imperceptible. Angina pectoris, pain in praecordial region. Pain radiates from center of sternum. Tachycardia. Bradycardia. Acute dilatation caused by shock or violent physical exertion. Legs and hands icy cold; limbs tremble.

Acatea spicata

Difficult inspiration; stitches in epigastrium during deep breathing or a painful shock; or pain in the hip. Urging sensation in heart towards abdomen and region of liver, with great anxiety at night. Pulse 120.


belongs with the group of remedies whose response to trauma is subdued. Gelsemium patients become sleepy, dull, weak and tremulous — in a sense paralyzed by the shock they sustained. Their eyes droop. Though fearful and sad, they can’t cry. They are extremely listless.

Few other homeopathic remedies that can be given based on the indications are

Electrical Shock:

The first rule of treatment in electrical injuries is to SAFELY remove the victim from continued exposure. Give artificial respiration until natural breathing resumes. Morphia acetate 30C in frequent doses is said to be very useful. However, the patient will immediately need ambulance transportation to the hospital.

Surgical Shock:

Acetic acid 30C, Arnica 200C,1M, Carbo Veg 200C,1M, Strontia Carb 30C and Veratrum Alb 200C,1M, Canadula 1M, Staphasgaria 1M, Opium 30C

Emotional Shock:

Aconite Nap 200C,1M, Ignatia 200C,1M, Gelsemium 30C, Opium 30C, and Rescue Remedy 30C to CM (Bach Flower).

Traumatic Shock:

Aconite Nap 200C,1M; Arnica Mont. 200C,1M, Hypericum 200C,1M and Nat Sulph 200C,1M, Camphor Q, Carbo Veg 30C, 1M; Lachesis 30C, Opium 30C, Verat Alb 30C,1M

Anaphylactic (allergic) Shock:

Carbolic Acid 30c, Apis Mel 200c, 1M, Carbo Veg 30C, Opium 30C, Camphor 30C

Cardiogenic Shock:

Camphor Q, Naja T 30C, Crategus Ox Q, Arnica Q, Laurocerasus 30C & Amyle Nit Q

Cardiopulmonary Obstructive Shock:

Lycopodium 200C,1M, Antim Tart 200C, 1M

Resilience in the face of shock: let us find out who among us are more prone to shock:

Shocks can occur at any time to anyone. But there are few factors that make us having added chances that we are more prone to the condition.

The following conditions and characteristics increase the risk for shock:

  • Serious injury and trauma
  • Heart conditions, such as heart disease or heart attack
  • Surgery
  • Bacterial infection that has spread to the blood
  • Bleeding
  • Losing large volume of fluids from severe diarrhea or vomiting
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Severe anemia
  • Weakened immune system
  • Allergic reaction to a drug, food, or environmental exposure
  • Drug overdose
  • Pregnancy

Navigating the aftermath

In addition to homeopathic remedies, there are several natural ways to support the healing process after shock:

1. Seek immediate medical attention: Shock is a medical emergency and it is crucial to seek professional medical help as soon as possible.

2. Maintain a safe and calm environment: Ensure that the individual experiencing shock is in a safe and quiet environment to minimise further stress and stimulation.

3. Elevate the legs: If the person is conscious and does not have any spinal or leg injuries, elevating the legs slightly can help improve blood flow to the vital organs.

4. Apply warmth: Cover the person with warm blankets or clothing to help maintain body temperature and prevent further heat loss.

5. Administer fluids: In cases of shock due to dehydration, it may be necessary to rehydrate the individual with oral or intravenous fluids under medical supervision.

6. Emotional support: Offer reassurance, comfort and emotional support to help the person cope with the aftermath of the shock.

7. Rest and recovery: Allow ample time for rest and recovery after the shock episode. Encourage the person to rest and engage in activities that promote relaxation and stress reduction.

Remember, while homeopathic remedies can be supportive in cases of shock, they should not replace appropriate medical care. It is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

First Aid to be given:

First aid measures apply to both the prevention and care of shock. The primary objective is to keep the victim lying down, warm and comfortable, so as to facilitate blood circulation to the head and chest area. There are however, two important exceptions to this procedure:

If the victim has difficulty in breathing, elevate the upper part of his body.

If he has lost a great deal of blood or if his injury is severe, elevate the lower part of his body from 8-12 inches above the ground. 


Should he have trouble breathing when you attempt to elevate him, or if pain occurs, or if he has a head injury, keep the victim in a prone position. (See Bleeding)

DO NOT elevate legs if the casualty has an un-splinted broken leg, head injury, or abdominal injury. (See Fractures)

Other factors to be careful about incase of shock:

It is important that the shock patient be warm and free from drafts. A blanket should be used to keep him warm and prevent sweating. If the outside temperature is warm, little covering will be necessary. During winter months, more covering will be needed. Be careful if you use an electric blanket, hot water bottle or heating pad. The victims skin will not be able to withstand high heat and he himself will not feel the burn, so keep the warming object at a temperature just above body temperature. Test it on yourself for several seconds before placing it on the victim. The main reason for covering him is to prevent the loss of body heat, not to increase it.

Do not give the victim fluids if you expect the doctor or ambulance within half an hour. Never give them if the victim is unconscious or partly conscious, if he is nauseated, or has penetrating abdominal injury or so is seriously injured as to require immediate surgery. If you offer him water, be sure it is neither cold nor hot but at room temperature. Avoid other fluids, especially alcohol. Begin by giving him few sips at a time, an increase the amount to half a glass at a time if he complains thrust and can tolerate water without discomfort. If he vomits, discontinue the water. If possible, add one-half level teaspoon of table salt and one-half level teaspoon of baking soda to a quart of room temperature water and administer at approximate 15 minutes interval.

Along with these first aid measures for shock, treat the victim's injuries. Fractures should be splinted, bleeding controlled, and above all he should be kept quite.

Stimulants such as ammonia or coffee should never be given. Make certain that he gets medical assistance within an hour after the accident.

Redefining normalcy: let us create a new narrative after experiencing shock :

After a person has undergone shock, the journey of recovery to normalcy is going to be a tedious one depending on the after effects and depth of the shock occurred. It differs with people and the trauma.

Homeopaths see many patients who have suffered traumatic experiences in their lives. Remedies can be utilized, long after the event, to help stabilize any symptoms that have stemmed from this time, but dealing with the fear and shock more immediately is very useful. Whether you learn to prescribe for situations such as those covered here or seek the support of a qualified homeopath, alleviating the debilitating reactions that occur from shock, grief, and trauma is a great relief for the sufferer, enabling them to continue life with relative ease rather than being limited by their past experiences.

We, on behalf of Similia India sincerely hope that this blog has been of great help for everyone recovering and experiencing this difficult situation. All of us should understand the effects of emotional trauma and be supportive emotionally and physically to those who are undergoing it and help them find strength and stability.

If you or anyone you know are experiencing any of these stages of trauma, please seek professional help in which service suits you best, make a booking with your local Homeopath, GP or other healing modalities. Thank you!

Blog Prepared by Dr Noreen Naushad, Manufacturing Chemist, Similia Homoeo Laboratory

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