Similia Homoeo’s state-of- the-art manufacturing plant, located at Aluva in Kerala, is the only one of its kind in the country. Similia’s commitment ‘No compromise with quality ‘and the meticulous efforts put in during the planning stage are well demonstrated in this plant.

Similia manufactures dilutions and mother tinctures in sterile and well-protected environment carried out by potentisation method, as originally described by Dr Hahnemann. The plant has its own water distillation unit to meet its total requirements. To avoid microbial growth in stagnant water, this water is kept under constant circulation. The products are manufactured and filled in a Laminar Air Flow Station, which ensures optimum hygiene and purity.


Manufacturing is done in Air Conditioned area to ensure purity and hygiene. Highly standardized vessels as per GMP specification is used in the plant. Chemicals are prepared in our Quality Control Lab under the supervision of a panel of experts. For the manufacture of Biochemic, Biocombination and Trituration , HMS (Holland) lactose is used. Various tests like Hardness, Friability, Weight variation are done to ensure standardization of finished products.
